Ipomoea muelleri

Namn: Poison Morning Glory (en)

Innehåller: Ergotalkaloider

Generell information

Art i släktet Ipomoea. Har rosa blommor. Växer bl.a i Australien.

Om innehållet

"The seeds of I. muelleri contain ergine and isoergine (Gardiner et al., 1965) while later studies in addition found elymoclavine, ergonovine, chanoclavine, lysergol, lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide, agroclavine, penniclavine and many other ergoline alkaloids in the seeds and smaller amounts of most of these alkaloids in both the leaves and stems (DerMarderosian et al., 1974). The seeds have been found to contain up to 0.011 % dry weight of alkaloids (Amor-Prats & Harborne, 1993) while the leaves contain up to 0.0015 % alkaloids and the stems contain up to 0.001 % alkaloids (DerMarderosian et al., 1974)."(© 2002 Michael Bock).

Externa länkar

Flora of Western Australia - Ipomoea muelleri Benth

Sidan ändrades senast 13 april 2007 klockan 10.41.
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