Cyperus prolixus

Namn: hududi, huhu muni (Ecuador) , piripiri (Amazonas), huaste (spanska)

Innehåller: Ergotalkaloider

Generell information

Tillhör släktet Cyperus i familjen Cyperaceae (Halvgräs) och återfinns i bl.a Sydamerika.

Infekteras av parasitsvampen Balansia cyperi som innehåller ergotalkaloider.

"in the Peruvian Amazon basin where the plants of Cyperus prolixus (Cyperaceae) infected by Balansia cyperi Edg. (Clavicipitaceae) are added to ayahuasca to strengthen the visionary effect and are smoked for their hallucinogenic properties (Plowman et al., 1990)." (1)

"In E Ecuador cultivated by the Siona and Secoya Indians as remedy for anemia, and more commonly in Amazonia as a magic and medicinal plant. Some reference is given that the fungus Balansia cyperi Edgerton, an ergot relative, which infects the inflorescences, is the source of pharmacologically active substances." (2)

"In examining the use of parturition plants of the Achual Jivaro and neighboring populations in Amazonia, we found that the choice of a sclerotia infected sedge, piri piri (Cyperus prolixus) was widespread. The sclerotia were found to contain the tropical fungus Balansia cyperi which like Claviceps is a member of the Clavicepitaceae, and also produces ergot alkaloids (Lewis and Elvin-Lewis, 1990)." (3)

Externa länkar

(1) Giorgio Samorini

(2) Mansfeld's World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops

(3) Optimizing new therapeutic discoveries from ethnomedical and ethnobotanical data.

Sidan ändrades senast 8 november 2008 klockan 03.01.
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