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Referring to Africa, there are few records on Psilocybe because of the scarces mycological explorations, in contrast with the high biodiversity of that continent. There are only 6 or 8 known neurotropic species of Psilocybe in Africa. Of these, P. cubensis seems to grow in Kenya despite the confusing reports of Cullinan and Henry (1945), followed by Charters (1957, 1958) and Vedcourt and Trump (1969). Pegler (1977) reported only P. aquamarina from Kenya, a species close to P. cubensis (Guzmán, 1995). It is interesting to observe that P. cubensis is very common in Mexico, Central America and South America, growing on cow dung. But the cattle in America was introduced by the Spanish people in the XVI-XVII centuries and P. cubensis does not grow in Europe. It is probable, as discussed by Guzmán (1983), that this fungus was introduced to America through the slave commerce of the negros during the Spanish Colonial times. The only known neurotropic Psilocybe from South Africa is P. natalensis (Gartz et al., 1995), while P. mairei is known of from Northern Africa (Morocco and Algeria) (Malençon & Bertault, 1979; Singer & Smith, 1958; Guzmán, 1983) and from Europe (Czechoslovakia) (Semerdzieva and Nerud, 1973; Auert et al., 1980; Kubicka, 1985; Semerdzieva and Wurst, 1986; Guzmán, 1983)
— Guzman & Gartz[1]


Externa länkar

  1. A worldwide geographical distribution of the neurotropic fungi, an analysis and discussion

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