Calea zacatechichi
Namn: zacatechichi (nahuatl, betyder bitter ört), hoja madre (sp), Dream Herb, Cheech, Bitter Grass (eng)
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Generell information
Släktet Calea tillhör familjen Compositae. C. zacatechichi är en buske med vita blommor som ursprungligen kommer från Centralamerika och har historiskt använts av Chontalindianer i Mexiko för att öka intensiteten i drömmar, frambringa klardrömmar och för att kommunicera med andevärlden. Förutom användningen som drömört har den även medicinska egenskaper.
"This oneirogenic substance induces lucid, vivid, or significant dreams. It is also reported to induce an expansion of all the sensory perceptions and imagination, a slight discontinuity of thought, a rapid flux of ideas, and difficulty in remembering. According to some, there is a visual effect, according to others, an auditive one, wherein the plant speaks to the person. Generally a sensation of well-being lasting one day or more is common." [1]
Preparering och dosering
Zacatechichi kan pulveriseras och läggas i gelatinkapslar som sväljs eftersom den är mycket bitter, speciellt om man kokar the på bladen. Doseringen ligger runt 1-5g dagligen och den fulla effekten kommer inte första natten.
Zacatechichi kan även rökas när man är vaken. Då ger den en svagt sederande effekt som enligt vissa har likheter med cannabis. Speciellt blommor och frön sägs vara potenta för detta ändamålet.
Kan extraheras med vatten eller alkohol.
Om innehållet
"A germacranolid called caleicine, the p-hydroxycinnamide ester of junenol, was isolated from a sample of C. zacatechichi taken from the state of Veracruz."
"Other substances with the basic structure of caleicine have been isolated from the active, as well as the inactive plants provided by the Chontal curandero; they are now being screened for the presence of psychoactive compounds. Independently Bohlmann and Zdero(1977) have reported two new germacranolids in C. zacatechichi. It should be mentioned that these molecules are terpenes as are the cannabinols in marijuana." [2]
"Several sesquiterpene lactones had been isolated from the plant. Calaxin and ciliarin were identified by Ortega et al. (1970), and the germacranolides, 1B-acetoxy zacatechinolide and l-oxo zacatechinolide, by Bohlmann and Zdero (1977). Quijano at al. (1977. 1978) identified caleocromenes A and B and caleins A and B. while Ramos (1979) found caleicins I and II. Herz and Kumar (1980) isolated acacetin, o-methyl acacetin, zexbrevin and an analogue, as well as several analogues of budlein A and neurolenin B, including calein A. C. zacatechichi samples show differences in chemical composition, which has led Bohlmann et al. (1981) to suggest that chemical taxonomy may help to reclassify the genus. Further taxonomic work is required since our Chontal informant distinguishes between "good" and "bad" varieties according to their psychotropic properties." [3]
Externa länkar
- ↑ Drugs of the Dreaming: Oneirogens: Salvia divinorum and Other Dream-Enhancing Plants
- ↑ "Ethnopharmacology and Taxonomy of Mexican Psychodysleptic Plants" av Jose Luis Diaz, MD publicerad i Jan-Jun numret 1979 av "Journal of Psychedelic Drugs"
- ↑ Psychopharmacologic Analysis of an Alleged Oneirogenic Plant: Calea zacatechichi
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