Arundo donax

Namn: Pålrör, Italienskt rör

Innehåller: Främst Bufotenin, dehydrobufotenin, men även 5-MeO-MMT, 5-MeO-DMT & spår av DMT.

Generell information

Pålrör är en vassliknande växt som kan bli flera meter hög. Stammarna används bl.a för att göra vindskydd, rörblad till blåsinstrument, metspön, biobränsle .m.m.

Växer naturligt i medelhavsländerna men är vintertålig nog att odlas utomhus i Sverige också. Säljs på plantskolor som prydnadsgräs. Skall stå blött på våren för att få många skott, trivs i soligt läge. Hinner inte blomma p.g.a längden på den svenska sommaren.

Man kan kanske få högre koncentration av de aktiva ämnena om den odlas på samma sätt som Phalaris.

Är förmodligen inte lämplig för oralt bruk p.g.a alkaloidprofilen.

Om innehållet

OBS! I princip alla prover som påvisat DMT kommer från Indien. Prover från olika delstater i USA har inte visat sig innehålla DMT.

Källa 1

"DMT was reported by Ghosal and coworkers using material sourced in India. The first account of DMT appeared in Dutta & Ghosal 1967 which reported recovering 20 mg of DMT from 200 grams of the dry whole plant. It was accompanied by 520 mg of gramine, 128 mg of bufotenine and traces of 5-MeO-DMT, as well as unidentified indoles."

"This was investigated further and published in Ghosal et al. 1969, which detailed the chemistry of the leaf and rhizome. Researchers recovered 40 mg of DMT from 700 grams of rhizome (dried and with culm removed) It was accompanied by 180 mg of bufotenine and 16 mg of 5-MeO-MMT. Leaf chemistry was similar to the above but in much lower amounts. Interestingly, 440 mg of dehydrobufotenine was also recovered from the rhizome (the same 700 gm). This alkaloid is only known to occur elsewhere as a toad venom component. It seems to be perceptibly active -- albeit amidst what is a tryptamine soup -- but is not particularly pleasant or intense. This is conjectural based on bioassay results of Justin Case in 1992 or 1993, but I suspect that it plays a role in the effects experienced if a person is nuts enough to ingest 500 or so grams of the fresh tender parts of the rhizome as an ayahuasca admixture. It is not likely to be mistaken for DMT even by a novice." Källa: (1)

Källa 2

"The giant grass Arundo donax is a tall, perennial reed of a bamboo-like nature. A number of studies have found this plant to be a rich tryptamine source. Almost all the published reports have located these alkaloids in the flowers or in the roots of the plant. The blossoms have both DMT and the 5-methoxylated N-demethylated analogue, 5-MeO-NMT. The roots are a rhizomal system and they not only contain these active tryptamines, but bufotenine as well. The quaternary methylated salt of DMT is in the flowers, and bufotenidine and the cyclic dehydrobufotenidine are in the roots. Another report puts 5-MeO-DMT in all the plant's extracts." Källa: Tihkal av Alexander Shulgin

Externa länkar

(1) Trout's Notes Tryptamine Content of Arundo donax

Arundo donax - Google Bildsökning

Arundo donax Wikipedia (en)

Sidan ändrades senast 16 augusti 2008 klockan 12.39.
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